Nu-Rock’s unique world leading and award-winning Green Technology is a fully integrated and game changing process that delivers unique and sustainable solutions on multiple fronts including · Large scale industrial and mining waste-site recycling and remediation · Emissions free manufacturing of 100% sustainable ‘green circular economy’ building products and products for roads and civil applications · Carbon Utilisation that absorbs and abates high volumes of CO2.
Carbon mineralization and Waste site remediation
Carbon mineralization and Waste site remediation
Nu-Rock is a greener, smarter and stronger way for industry including Power companies, Steel companies, Alumina and Mining companies to capture and mineralise their carbon emissions while recycling waste streams and permanently remediating waste sites.

Benefiting both economies and environments
Benefiting both economies and environments
The Nu-Rock Corporation is advancing the cause of ‘Green Circular Economies’ on a global scale through Joint Ventures and the granting Territory Licenses. A key vision of the Nu-Rock Corporation is to maintain a commitment to developing, testing, refining and distributing sustainable technologies that can benefit local economies and restore natural environments.
Broad Technology Applications
Broad Technology Applications
Nu-Rock’s ‘game changing’ non-cementitious technology converts industrial and household waste streams into superior performing green products such as Blocks, Bricks, Pavers, High speed Railway Sleepers, Traffic Barriers, Seawalls, Wall Panels, Soil Conditioners, Aggregates Pipes, Roof tiles plus many others.

Our world leading manufacturing processes absorb and mineralise
400% more
CO2 than concrete per tonne of material*
* Depending on the product and the application.