Carbon Negative

Carbon Negative

A world first for masonry product manufacturing

EPD: (minus) -23.34kgs CO2 per 1,000 kg product made.

EPD: (minus) -23.34kgs CO2 per 1,000 kg product made.

Beyond delivering benefits to the natural environment via waste site remediation, Nu-Rock’s progressive green technology is a ‘game changer’ when compared with old-fashioned and energy hungry concrete product manufacturing.

Traditional concrete product manufacturing requires mining and transportation of virgin materials whereas Nu-Rock does not. Traditional Portland-cementitious concrete product manufacturing emits large amounts of CO2 whereas Nu-Rock is a non-Portland cementitious technology (NPCP) that does the opposite.

A World First

A World First

Nu-Rock technology reduces carbon emissions by actively absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere during the mixing and curing stage of the manufacturing process.

The EPD published by EPD Hub in April 2024, confirms that Nu-Rock technology promotes the absorption of Carbon Dioxide with (minus) -23.34 kilos of CO2 per 1,000 kgs of Nu-Rock product made.

Since January 2024, CO2 has been injected into Nu-Rock blocks during the curing process at the Mt. Piper Plant. This breakthrough process is a part of the long-term objective to utilise all CO2 captured by industry partners and ultimately to reduce their carbon emissions to zero.

To review EPD click here to see PDF.

Emissions free manufacturing

Nu-Rock‘s ‘Formulated Rock’ technology involves an emissions free manufacturing process. A vast improvement on the centuries-old, energy-hungry processes involving the quarrying, transporting and kiln burning of limestone at 1500°C. Plus, the quarrying and transporting of precious and finite natural resources such as sand and aggregates. Or energy hungry Clay based product manufacturing that involves a 7-day warming and drying process at 500°C followed by a 3-day firing process at 1050°C.